feel capable in your workouts 

gain strength and rowing endurance

LiftnRow w/ Alicia

a build-your-own strength + rowing program

“I enjoy the mix of weights and rowing. It’s nice to have it all in one plan. Takes the guess work out.”

-Shannon G.

“I really enjoyed the strength and rowing aspect of this program. I am used to rowing and really wanted to add in a strength component. The guided strength exercises were great and really valuable to improve my rowing.”

– Erin S. 

alicia doing a bent over row

Does this sound familiar?

  • I know I need to start strength training but I don’t know what to do or where to start”
  • “I’m looking to start training (for rowing), but I’m clueless as to what I should be doing
  • “Is X time good? What should I shoot for?”
  • “I want to build up more time on the rowing machine, but I’m not sure how to do it.”

You need a program that gives you BOTH, without going overboard in your training. 


LiftnRow w/ Alicia is

A build-your-own progressive strengh training and rowing program

created for

the woman who has goals (or wants to find a goal) but isn’t sure how to get there

who wants to

feel like she knows what she’s doing in her workouts. She wants to improve her strength and rowing simultaneously with workouts she will enjoy.

Strength Training

Lift 2 or 3 days per week with the lifting program of your choice.

Rowing Programs

Row up to 3 days per week with the program of your choice.


Have messaging access with me as your coach to help you through your workouts in a private app.

Understanding WHY

Emails breaking down your program explaining what you’re doing and WHY.

“I really enjoyed this program! It challenged me to try new things with rowing like staying at a certain SPM for a specific set of time. The lifting part was great for me. I like that I was able to complete it at home without needing to go to a gym. It was a well rounded workout.”

-Tiffany M. 

“I like the commentary and the app. Love that you can upload photos. I really like programs like this that are rather short on session length. I row and workout to move and this is perfect”

-Elaine B. 

You choose one program from each!

(that’s 2 or 3 lifts + 3 rows each week)

Lifting Programs

Bodyweight to Dumbbell

For the woman who:

  1. is just starting out with strength training
  2. wants to learn how to use dumbbells with simple moves
  3. is getting back into weight training after a long break from it


  1.  A 13-week progressive strength training program
  2. Can choose between 2 or 3 days per week
  3. Opportunity to progress into Dumbell to Barbell, or the at-home version of the 2 or 3 day lifting program.
  4. 35-45 minute workouts

Equipment needed:

  1. Dumbbells for weeks 5-13
  2. Resistance bands
  3. Chair
  4. Steps (or something to step up on)
Dumbbell to Barbell

For the woman who:

  1.  has experience lifting with dumbbells
  2. wants to learn how to use a barbell


  1.  A 13-week progressive strength training program
  2. Can choose between 2 or 3 days per week
  3. Opportunity to progress into the gym version of the 2 or 3 day lifting.
  4. 40-60 min workouts

Equipment needed:

  1. Dumbbells
  2. Bench
  3. Pull up bar*
  4. Barbell with plates for weeks 5-13

*pull up bar movements could be skipped

2-day Lifting

For the woman who:

  1. has experience with lifting (>3 months)
  2. is familiar with gym equipment and typical strength training moves
  3. wants to get stronger, gain muscle, and start crushing her goals
  4. wants to pair their lifting with a harder rowing program
  5. wants to focus on her rowing without giving up strength training


  1.  A year-long progressive strength training program (4, 13 week cycles)
  2. Hitting the essential lifts in 2 days per week
  3. 50-65 min workouts
  4. Barbell or dumbbell (at home) version
  5. A new program every 4-5 weeks

Equipment needed:

  1. Squat Rack
  2. Barbell and plates
  3. Bench
  4. Pull Up Bar
  5. Dumbbells*
  6. Resistance bands*
  7. Box or something to step up on*

*equipment needed for the at home version

3-day Lifting

For the woman who:

  1. has experience with lifting (>3 months)
  2. is familiar with gym equipment and typical strength moves
  3. wants to get stronger, gain muscle, and start crushing her goals
  4. has bigger lifting goals and has more time to lift in her week


  1. A year long progressive strength training program (4, 13 week cycles)
  2. The essential lifts plus accessories so you don’t miss anything
  3. 45-60min workouts
  4. Barbell or Dumbbell (at home) version
  5. A new program every 4-5 weeks

Equipment needed:

  1. Squat Rack
  2. Barbell and plates
  3. Bench
  4. Pull Up Bar
  5. Dumbbells*
  6. Resistance Bands*
  7. Box or something to step up on*

*equipment needed for the at home version

Rowing Programs

2k Beginner

Prereq: you can row/paddle for 20 minutes

  1. 3 rows per week, 30-35min workouts
  2. Ideal for new rowers that are looking for an easier, attainable goal
  3. Row/paddle progressions (like run/walk)
  4. More lower zone steady state with moderate effort rows
2k Intermediate

Prereq: you don’t need row/paddle progressions, and have experience with inverval workouts

  1. 3 rows per week, 45-60min workouts
  2. Ideal for rowers who have experience with interval workouts and can push into higher heart rate zones
  3. All rowing, no row/paddle progressions
  4. Mix of steady state, mid-distance intervals, and short/hard intervals
5k Beginner

Prereq: you can row/paddle for 25 minutes

  1. 3 rows per week, 30-40min workouts
  2. Ideal for new rowers that are looking for an attainable goal
  3. Row/paddle progressions (like run/walk)
  4. More lower zone steady state with some moderate effort rows.
5k Intermediate

Prereq: you don’t need row/paddle progressions, and you have experience with interval workouts

  1. 3 rows per week, 40-50min workouts
  2. Ideal for rowers who have experience with interval workouts and can push into higher heart rate zones
  3. All rowing, no row/paddle progressions
  4. Mix of steady state, mid-distance intervals, and some short/hard intervals
Half Marathon Beginner

Prereq: you don’t need row/paddle progressions and can row for 20 minutes without breaks.

  1. 3 rows per week, 30-50min workouts with four, 1hr+ rows where you’ll build time and distance on the rowing machine.
  2. Ideal for newer rowers who want to increase their time on the machine to 1 hr, and also go for a distance goal.
  3. All rowing, but can paddle where needed
  4. Lots of steady state work, but also has a harder, moderate effort workout once per week.
Marathon Beginner

Prereq: rowing for 45 min straight doesn’t scare you, or you’ve completed the Half Marathon beginner program.

  1. 3 rows per week, 45-60min with four, 1.5hr+ workouts where you build time and distance sitting on the rower.
  2. Ideal for newer rowers who want to shoot for a long distance goal
  3. All rowing, but can paddle when needed.
  4. Lots of low zone steady state work, but also mixing it up with some moderate effort once a week.

What if I don’t know what programs to pick?

Set up a quick 15-minute phone call with me to go over your options


1. Video Review INCLUDED!

2. Terminology guide

3. Access to coaching calls to deepen your understanding of your fitness and working out.

New recordings will drop every month for the next 9-12 months!

4. Keep track of your results in our private app

5. Emails breaking down each phase and program so you know WHY you’re doing what you’re doing.

6. Access to your rowing plan in ErgZone (if you like to use it)

alicia sitting on the ground

Meet Your Coach

Alicia Clark

A Master Instructor with UCanRow2 with 10+ rowing experience who has fallen in love with strength training. I have 2+ years of experience coaching people of all ages on the rowing machine in-person and online. 

I am a CrossFit Level 1 Trainer and have coached in-person classes for 2+ years. I’ve had the joy and privilege to help people across all ability levels learn what they are capable of when it comes to lifting weight.   

I have a passion for teaching beginners how to row and lift, and what better way to do that with a combination program like LiftnRow. 

When I’m not working, I enjoy spending time with my husband, binging my latest TV show, getting outdoors, and competing in local CrossFit-style competitions. 

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I know what program to start with?

Refer to the program breakdown above! That should give an idea, and if not you can book a discovery phone call with me. The button is below the program breakdowns. 

How do I get access to my programs?

After signing up, there will be a link to a form to fill out to tell me which programs you want to start with. Within 24 hours you’ll recieve an invite to TrueCoach. Once that invite is accepted your programs will be assigned to you in the TrueCoach app. 

How much does it cost?

There’s 4 options:

  1. Rowing only  – $49/month
  2. Lifting + rowing  – $99/month
  3. 6 month commitment – $495 (ONE MONTH FREE)
  4. 12 month commitment – $990 (TWO MONTHS FREE)
When does my payment come out?

The same day you sign up. For monthly payments it will come out on that same day each month. For example, if you signed up on the 29th, you will be charged automatically each month on the 29th. 

How long do the workouts take?

The lifting workouts are <60 minutes long. The gym version plans may take up to 65-70 minutes depending on how long it takes you to set up for things like deadlifts. 

The rowing workouts will vary based on the plan you choose. Refer to the plan descriptions above. 

What equipment do I need?

At Home version:

  • Rowing machine
  • Dumbbells
  • Resistance bands (mini and large)
  • Chair
  • Something to step up on (box, sturdy bench, etc)

Gym Version:
Everything above plus:

  • Squat rack
  • Barbell with weight plates
  • Pull up bar
  • Bench
Do you expect me to do every single workout?

Absolutely not. That’s not realistic. Life happens, and I want to help you work around it to feel good about your workouts. 

In reality, doing 80% of your workouts will help you make progress towards your goals. 

How long is the program?

Each program has a 3 month (13 week) cycle, and with the different combinations you could train for over a year using different programs. The programs are also repeatable!

Can I switch between 2 and 3 day lifting?

You can switch from lifting 2x /week to or from 3x /week between a 3 month training block to keep it consistent with your rowing program.

Ex: lift 3 days/week with the 2k plan, then lift 2 days/week with the marathon plan

Do I need experience lifting barbells?

Only for the gym versions, and I would recommend >3 months experience. Any at home version uses dumbbells instead of barbells. The program Dumbbell to Barbell would also give you the experience needed to start doing the gym version of the 2 or 3 day lifting. 

What if I have questions while going through LiftnRow?

You can send me a direct message through the TrueCoach app! I’ll get back to you within 24 business hours. 

Do you watch my videos and look at my form?

Yes! Your videos will be reviewed and form tips will be given. These tips will be simple, with 1-2 tips per workout that contain multiple videos. In depth form analysis is reserved for 1:1 clients. 

How do I go from the gym version to the at-home version? (or vice versa)

All you need to do is send me a message in TrueCoach to tell me you want your next phase to be the other lifting version.

Can I cancel anytime?

Yes! You can cancel during any phase. If you decide this isn’t what you thought it would be, nor harm no foul. I will still wish you the best.

There are no refunds. 

Ready to do this thing?