Take Your Feet Out

by Aug 7, 2020Technique

I’m pretty sure anyone who has tried rowing with their feet out has decided it’s their least favorite drill. Which must mean it’s a good one, right?

Rowing with your feet out reveals when you are relying on the foot straps. 

When you rely on the straps, you’re pulling yourself up to the catch with your toes (which activates your hip muscles). During the recovery, you want to enjoy the little rest you get. 

Not to mention the monorail is tilted down as you move up the slide towards the catch. The seat will naturally move in that direction. When you use those muscles you shouldn’t have to, that’s wasted energy.  

Hitting a body over position (arms out + body rocked forward) before moving up the slide will allow you to use your body weight to float up to the catch.

Once your feet don’t have those straps anymore, there’s a larger focus on your core. 

It will be harder to lay back at the finish. To get your normal layback, think about having a strong finish with your arms to keep you upright. 

Sitting up tall and controlling the first part of the recovery, making sure to get arms and body over BEFORE bending the knees, will help you stay on the seat.

I’ve seen plenty of people almost fall off of their seat when they first try rowing with their feet out. So be prepared for that!

It’s important not to use your feet to pull yourself up to the catch. When you hit the correct body positions, you don’t have to!

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