Getting On and Off the Rower Quickly

by Oct 5, 2019Technique

Getting stuck in the foot straps on the rower can be frustrating when you’re shooting for a good time in the workout that day. Over the years I’ve used the same technique for getting on and off the rower quickly. Below I have a slideshow of the different steps to get your feet out, and in reverse to get your feet in.

Here’s how to put your feet in:

1. Slide the toe of one foot under the strap.

2. Place that foot flat on the board, and slide your heel down.

3. Repeat step 1 and 2 with the other foot. 

4. Grab the straps and pull to tighten. 


And how to take them out:

 1. Place your thumb under the buckle.

2. Press out and down to loosen the straps

3. Drive one foot straight up and lift your heel.

4. Take that foot out. 

5. Repeat with the other foot. 

Below there is a short video showing you this technique at full speed.

Getting on and off the rower should be the last thing slowing you down in your workout. Now you’ll be able to get off and on without getting your feet stuck and wasting precious seconds!

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