Single-Leg Rowing Drill

by Sep 4, 2020Technique

This drill for indoor rowing is just as the name implies. You take one foot out of the foot stretchers and only row with one leg. The leg that isn’t rowing hangs out on the side while you row. 

I don’t recommend trying this one in a boat at all. There’s really no place to put your other foot that’s not in the water!

In the rowing stroke, the legs account for 60% of the power. Take one leg out, and you’ve lost 30%! You’ll feel that difference. Single-leg rowing will allow you to feel and focus on what muscles you are using in the leg you are rowing with. 

Take the time to focus on driving through your heel on the drive and take in what that feels like. You should feel your muscles engage under your butt too. It will feel heavy, but that is on purpose. You’ll be able to feel it much more than you would using both legs. 

Switch legs and do the same thing. Row with the correct technique and focus on what driving correctly feels like in your legs. 

Once you start rowing with both legs again, look for that same feeling of driving those heels down. Remember what you felt during the drill, and replicate it in your stroke while using both legs 

Here is a short video on single-leg rowing:

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