What a Coach Can Do for You

by Dec 10, 2020Fitness Encouragement, Workouts

In a world that is bent on doing it all ourselves, it’s rare that we seek out help. So much headache can be spared when we set aside pride. Not only that, but it can be a huge time saver as well.

Having a coach to guide you through your health and fitness journey often has more benefits than downsides. Yes, you do have to pay for a coach. But let me tell you everything you may not realize you get when you hire a coach. 

**first and foremost, make sure they are CERTIFIED!



One of the biggest perks you’ll find when you hire a coach is the mental load on yourself significantly decreases. 

Imagine a week where you don’t need to spend time searching for workouts and deciding what to do. When you hire a coach, it’s all provided for you and sent to you automatically. 

If something isn’t working for you, you don’t need to use YOUR energy to figure out what to do differently. Your coach will figure that out for you.

And these are just two examples!

Getting rid of all of these decisions you would normally need to make frees up your brain! Decision fatigue is real. There are only so many decisions you can make in a day, so taking some of those away will give you the energy to make more important decisions!



This is a big one. It’s hard to motivate yourself! 

Having a coach gives you a sense that you’re not on your own. You’ve got someone to help you through the hard days. And someone to tell you when you need to take it easy

It’s important to have someone who will hold you accountable to your goals. If you need to find a way to fit a workout in, coaches can give you ideas to help it best fit into your schedule. 

Finding time for yourself can be difficult, and sometimes you need someone to remind you that you are worth it! You deserve time for yourself.

Buying a program may give you workouts, but you’re still missing interaction with a human being. It’s easy to fall off the track with the plan. This typically leads to thinking you’re too behind so you stop altogether. A coach won’t let that happen to you!

Being held accountable by a person, and also the money you pay them, is a lot of motivation to keep going. 



Sure, there are free workouts online everywhere. But will they make you better? 

No, they won’t.

To really see results in endurance and strength, you need a workout plan that has each week building upon itself. You also can’t keep building forever. So the workout plan needs to have a deload period where the workouts are a little easier. This is so your body can recover. 

Personal programming is a living thing. Each workout is well thought out to give you the best chance at seeing results. Coaches listen to your feedback and can change your workout for the following days if they feel that it’s necessary. 

As coaches, we will know what movements challenge you, and what movements are easy. And these are programmed in so they best benefit you. 

Getting constant feedback from clients allows trainers to change their workout plans for you on the fly. You can certainly purchase a program online to follow, but those are made for the masses. Since it’s not tailored to you, you won’t get results like you would if your training was specific to you and your goals. 



Another big one here. 

Making sure you’re moving correctly, no matter the exercise, will help keep you safe. 

If you don’t have someone else seeing what you’re doing, you won’t ever get better at that exercise. It can be live instruction or a video review, as both are beneficial. 

A coach’s eye can catch little things you may not even notice. They also have the expertise to help you fix your technique so that you are as efficient as possible. 

You could be doing an exercise entirely wrong! Or doing it in such a way that you have a greater chance of hurting yourself. 

With feedback, coaches can tell you when you need to take it a little easy. We aren’t perfect, and if the workouts we’ve made prove to be too difficult (it does happen) there’s always room to change the next workout to make it easier. 

All of this is an effort to make sure your body isn’t overworked. Overtraining is a very real thing, and it doesn’t just happen to people who train for 2+ hours a day. It can happen to anyone!



Most people (including myself), go to Google when they have a question. Typically need to look into multiple sources to make sure the answer you’re seeing is correct. And even then, you’re hoping it’s right. 

Well, no more google searching since you would have a coach to answer all of your questions for you!

Even if we don’t know the answer right away, we are committed to finding out the answer. It’s on us to do the research, not you.

A good coach will make sure you have access to them. It may not be 24/7, since we have personal lives too, but it will be enough that you are supported and feel comfortable. 


Hiring a coach gives you all of these things. It may be an extra expense, but for the transformation they can give you it will be worth it. 

I’ll end with this. Make sure that whoever you want to hire is aligned with your goals. Coaches have different styles and movements they prioritize. They should be more than willing to get on a call with you to see if you’re a good match together before dropping a large sum of money on them. 

When you find who you’ve been looking for, I encourage you to give them a shot. Let them help you become who you want to be!


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